According to birthmonth.net:
October Birth Flower: Marigold, Calendula, or Cosmos.
October Birth Stone: Opal, Tourmaline, Jasper, Zircon, Aquamarine.
October Birth Zodiac Signs: Libra (October 1-23) and Scorpio (October 24-31)
Compatible Birth Months: June, July, August, December and January.

Personality traits of October born people:
October born people are sophisticated, charming and selfish. They posses a strong sense of perception and are quite brainy. They are often
self-motivated, kind and generous. They are beautiful looking people, with an equally nice heart, and their friends are quite important to
them. They love to chat and never try to fake anything. They are emotional and are easily hurt, but they recover quite quickly. October
people, in general, are impartial, carefree, polite and dreamers by nature.

Here are the Royes birthdays in October:
1 – Kelli Williamson, Winston Traille
5 – Ashley Morgan-Frank, Kendal Royes
7 – Neville Royes
8 – Richard Mayhew, Stacey Bell, Zackiya Grant
11 – Bertie Simms Beisiegel
12 – Hilda Royes
14 – Tyler Watson Barrett, Norma Royes Riggs
15 – Kayla Royes Burke
17 – Terian Reynolds, Mikhael Hopwood
18 – Nesta-Claire Hunter, Glenworth Walker
22 – KizzyAnn Hopwood
23 – Amanda Fox, Collene (Pat) Traille
24 – Lenford Royes
26 – Raymond Royes Jr.
28 – Chelsea Alie, Andre Mason, Dionny Royes, Tashy Buchanan, Roan Barrett
30 – Tamar Turpin, Nadine Traille, Yarconny Hernandez Royes
31 – Kimberlee Pottinger

Make sure you wish them happy birthday on their big day!
P.S. – If your (or a family member’s) birthday is missing, let us know by e-mailing us at  https://theroyesfamily.com/contactus