
Royes Family Pledge


Organizations need money to survive and to thrive. Your family dues are used to maintain our new website, to pay for our Google Suite account which we use to communicate, and take care of other operational costs.


We are also trying to establish a financial base to enable the organization to be in a position to do some charitable work within the family, to support our adopted school (York Castle Primary) and act on other worthwhile ideas and suggestions coming from family members.


Please put Royes Family International on your gift list or add us to your budget – it is only US$10.00!


Ways to Pay:

  1. You can pay via the PayPal code below. 
  2. You can pay using Zelle by uing the QR code below or by sending your payment from your banking app to
  3. You can pay by giving your pledge to your Regional Representative in cash.
  4. You can pay by mail by sending a check to:

                    Royes Family International

                    PO Box 435

                    Malverne, NY 11565, USA


Take your pick and help us keeping this organization moving ahead.



The Royes Family  "Making A Difference" Scholarship


Purpose:  To provide a one-time scholarship to deserving Royes family members who are interested in pursuing, or who are currently pursuing, tertiary education in an accredited or recognized educational institution or trade school.


Thanks to your generous donations over the years, we have been able to assist twenty (20) young family members to achieve their educational goals and contribute to the development and growth of the Royes Family. We have awarded more than $12,000 US dollars in educational aid; let's keep the momentum going!

As we anticipate applications for next year’s scholarship from our young family members, we ask you to help us to help them by making a donation to our scholarship fund.


We accept payments by Zelle, PayPal or check/money order (for additional information see the Pledge Post above). You can also donate to our scholarship fund when you register for our family reunion

The Clarence G. Royes Audio Visual Award

For questions and more information email: