Happy Birthday May Born!

Happy Birthday May Born!

Happy May Birthdays!

According to birthmonth.net:

May Birth Flower: Lily of the Valley or Hawthorne.
May Birth Stones: Emerald, Sapphire, Agate, Chrysoprase, Beryl.
May Birth Zodiac Signs: Taurus (May 1-20) and Gemini (May 21-31

Compatible Birth Months: July, August, September, January and February.

Personality traits of May born people:
May born people are self-motivated, hardworking and short-tempered. They are beautiful people, both inside and outside. They love to travel
and are always restless and high-spirited. These people usually posses good imagination and have a strong extra-sensory perception. May
people generally have a firm stand and sharp thoughts. They may suffer with certain ear and neck related illness in later stages in life. They
often have a weak respiratory system.

Here are the Royes birthdays in May:

3 – Caleb Chunnu, Glenda Hamm Royes
7 – Celia-Gail Chunnu, Kenyatta Royes
9 – Bethany Clarkson-Morgan, Neville ‘Rhomane’ Graham
10 – Nakiya Royes
12 – Nichola Davis
13 – Melissa Fennell, Marissa Williams
14 – Ashley Simms
18 – Kameron Black, Asia Cilly
21 – Marva Buchanan
22 – Jensy Barrett Royes
23 – Monica Royes Niles, Jade-Ann Royes, Donna Royes
28 – Cheryl Royes
29 – Andres Royes
30 – Alcia Dawn Royes, Talia Chiara Glasenhardt
31 – Sekou Luke, Anthony Hamm

Make sure you wish them happy birthday on their big day!
P.S. – If your (or a family member’s) birthday is missing, click on the "contact us" page to send an e-mail to theroyesfamily.com@gmail.com and let us know!