President New Years Letter

President New Years Letter

Hello Family!

Season’s Greetings! I hope you all had a joyful Christmas with warmth and laughter. The holiday season is not only a time for celebration but also an opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments and challenges, as well as expressing gratitude to the people who have made a significant impact on our lives during the past year. 

As I reflect on 2024, I know that it brought some challenges in different forms to our family, but I encourage us all to remain connected to the vine. I will continue to echo the songwriter, Joan Baez:

 “No Man is an Island, no man stands alone, each man’s joy is joy to me, each man’s grief is my own. We need one another, So I will defend Each man as my brother, Each man as my friend”.  

Remaining connected to each other is not limited for celebratory times but hard times as well. Connecting during life challenges, we are able to provide counsel and emotional support, find commonality in our challenges, and create solutions together. Most importantly the ability to pray for each other.

Let us enter 2025 with a sense of hope & optimism. As we encounter new endeavors, let us be bold & courageous. May the strength of our vines continue to be a support network for us all.

I pray we stay connected by phone, Royes website, social media, and importantly through in person fellowship. Wishing you a year of health, wealth, and the kind of happiness that truly matters.

One Love and Countless Blessings,

Carol Campbell

Royes Family International President

Happy New Year


Have a Blessed 2025

 Royes Family!